
One of the blessings of living overseas is the opportunity to see and do things you wouldn't otherwise get to experience. Our area is famous for great snorkeling so we enjoy getting to explore the depths to the sea. The water is calmest as the sun comes up. Notice the volcanos on the horizon of the sunrise. These volcanos are actually on the next island over from us and it is usually too cloudy during the day to see them. It was exciting to see them highlighted as the sun came up.

The starfish are cobalt blue. This one was about the size of a basket ball.

This is my favorite fish to look for: the parrotfish. He was about a foot long.

My friend brought her underwater camera and snapped some photos of me and Jody.

This doesn't even begin to do justice to the crystal clear water and amazing marine life we saw, but it's better than nothing!

1 comment:

Anna said...

That is amazing! Thanks for sharing, I am awe inspired! Anna