
2 months!

We have been so privileged to serve here for the past three years. As our term comes to a close, we are struggling with the mixed emotions of wanting so badly to spend time with our family in America and wanting to be here and finish well what we have started. Please pray for us as we bring closure to our first 3 year term here and plan to go to America for 7 months in May. It is an exciting time for us, but also a sad time as we leave our "home" for such a long time and our friends are grieving. Pray that we would be faithful to finish what we started and boldly share with the ones He has put in our lives for this season.


Jami said...

It makes me sad to think about the mix of emotions you must be going through. We are so excited to see you and hear about the past 3 years but I know leaving there will be so hard. I'll be thinking of you as you make the transition and we can't wait to see you soon!

Unknown said...

Absolutely thinking about you two! We so loved our time with you in January and learned so much. So many in Franklin are asking about you and hope to see you. We do trust the transition stateside will be refreshing.