
Oops. Missed my mouth, but I did it myself!

I have a friend I call "Fun Mom" and her kids are the "Fun Havers". She is the one you see in a restaurant laughing at her 8 month old "Fun Haver" for flinging a spoon full of pureed carrots across the room. "Fun Mom" doesn't hide out at home during the preschool years, waiting for them to end and for her children to become more socially acceptable. She actually goes out in public, knowing that one of the "Fun Havers" is more than likely going to poop in his pants (or on hers) and she will not humiliate him even though he has been potty training for more than a year. "Fun Mom" is quick to laugh at life's absurdities and slow to scream at her "Fun Havers". She doesn't threaten them with statements like I made today, "If you pull Mommy's hair one more time, I'm going to pull yours." I want to be "Fun Mom"...but it will have to wait until I am less stressed out from life and my little "Fun Haver" lets me sleep for 8 hours straight. That's my problem, isn't it? I have to choose to be "Fun Mom" today even though I don't feel like it. My little "Fun Haver" deserves a "Fun Mom".

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

SO cute! :) I drop by your blog often and lift you and your family up daily!!!
I wanted to ask if I could copy this post to publish in our MOPS newsletter?? I think every mommy out there can relate you your desire to be more like "fun mom". :)
Thanks Jordan!!!
In HIM--- Jenn