
Best of 2012

Happy New Year from our family!
I asked Cadence today what her favorites from 2012 were and this is what she had to say: Breakfast: "Ice Cream!" (This actually is not a dish I have ever served for b'fast) Movie: "Doggie Movie" (Snow Buddies was the last movie she saw in 2012) Snack: "Crackers" Drink: "Apple Juice" Song: "Yes, Jesus loves me" Food: "Not yet." (I asked again to make sure and got the same reply)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy New Year!!!
I need to eat "not yet" a little more often-- my pants would fit better! ;)
I very much enjoy following your blog!! I don't comment often, but Please know you are being lifted to the Father faithfully!
Jennifer Scruggs