
Activities for the active

As much as it makes me cringe to admit this, Cadence really does better with structure. I hate planning and structuring my day, preferring instead to be a free spirit and go wherever the wind blows. But leave Cadence, just for a few minutes, to find her own entertainment and she will end up here:
or here...or worse!
So my ears are open if you have any ideas of how to entertain a one year old! I've already discovered that any activity Cadence enjoys is going to need to be done outside or in the bath tub with out clothes to make the clean up process easier. Here are a few successful activities we have found recently:
This is a mixture of 2 c cornstarch and 1 c water with a few added drops of food color. Cadence loved the texture...solid like silly putty until you relax your hand and then it drips like slime back into the bowl. I found the recipe online called "Goop" or "Obeleg".
It is really hot where we live, so I froze some of Cadence's toys in a bread pan with water (dyed blue from food color) and set her in the yard with a spoon to break it up.
This actually set a record in holding her attention longer than any activity to date: 17 minutes!
Bathtub paint is probably Cadence's favorite pass time at the moment. She asks for it at every bath time lately, which is about 4 times per day!
This is so easy: 1 T corn starch, a few drops of food color and a large squirt of baby shampoo/wash. The baby wash makes it easy to remove. Cadence always ends up dumping the whole solution into the tub water to see the bath change color.
Better go make jello so that she will have something to play with tomorrow!

1 comment:

Justin and Bonnie said...

These are great ideas Jordan! Cadence is such a cutie.