We just got back from a week of house hunting. We are here at our apartment in the city until Wednesday to type up a contract before making the 3 hour trek north again to finalize the details. To make a long story short, we found a house that is nicer than anything that we had dreamed that we would find to live in. We spent a good portion of the day yesterday negotiating the price with the owner. The biggest thing we had to agree upon was her willingness to remove the altars for hindu worship from inside the kitchen and master bedroom. Like all houses here, there is a hindu temple in the front yard so we asked her to only make offerings in front of the house instead of inside the rooms. They are unable to just take these things down so she will have to have a high priest come and perform a ceremony to do so. We explained that our God is jealous and He would not be happy if there were places of worship to another god inside our house. Unfortunately, since we are renting the property, the owner will still come every 5 days to make offerings in front of the house and that is non-negotiable unless we buy the house and own the property. It will be a permanent reminder to us of the bondage the people here live in.
Thank you for all of your prayers. We are are so humbled by what He has provided. The house is more than we could have imagined...but the neighbors are what won us over! I think that within the two hours that we have spent in the area, we have met the majority of them. They all came and introduced themselves and invited us over to have tea and visit. We visited as many as time would allow and had to tell the rest that we would be back. One by one, they led us to their houses so that we would know where to come when we had time to visit. One man told Jody that his house is on the way to the tennis court so he will be stopping by each day to pick him up to play tennis!
Unfortunately, immediately after uploading all of the pictures of the house to the computer and deleting them from my digital camera, my computer battery died and I lost all pictures from the past week. I guess that means that if you want to see the house, you are just going to have to book your ticket to see for yourself!