
On the lookout

As our season of language learning comes to a close at the end of March, we have spent most of our weekends over the past two months looking for houses in the villages of Boomyah. We have found a few houses that we like, but have yet to find a house that we like in a village where we can communicate. You see the Boomyah people have a caste system divided into low, middle and high and each caste has their own language. The majority of the people are in the middle caste and speak the middle language, so that is what we have been studying. We had hoped to move to the eastern region of the Boomyah people but are now realizing that many villages there speak the high language which is the language of the royal family and the language of the priests. We are wrestling with the idea of continuing in this direction and having to learn our third language since we arrived here 15 months ago or moving to an area in a different Boomyah area where we could communicate. Would you join us in asking Him to reveal Himself and His plans to us for our future? This is the volcano that can be seen from almost anywhere in the eastern region. The local hindus think that it is a holy place and bow in this direction as they pray each day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a bummer about the language. I will be praying for you guys to have some direction as to where you should move and if that means learning a third language!! I know it is frustrating looking for houses, I can't imagine having to factor language in the mix.