
Christmas in July

We had so much fun with Mae-Mae and Justin when they were here.

They even got Cadence to eat her vegetables...

And enjoy it!

With all the gifts they brought, it felt like Christmas in July.

For the first time ever, Cadence has more shoes than she does feet! This caused quite a problem each time we got ready to go out and she wanted to wear all of her shoes! She literally threw a tantrum over having to wear a pair that matched her outfit...so I let her go out with one patent leather shoe and one ballet slipper on. She carried the two mates. This week she threw another tantrum at the Croc store when Daddy bought himself a new pair of shoes but put the pair she wanted back on the shelf.

Grampuh called all the way from America to sing Cadence a song.

"Mae-Mae, there's a huge frog in your lap!"

"Don't even think about eating my teething biscuit, Mae-Mae!"

Thanks Granny Ladshaw for the Animal crackers, Cheerios and Goldfish crackers! They make me so happy!

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