
Our Uber-High Activity Girl

Cadence is the most active person I have ever met. I know, I know, all toddlers are active...but compared to Cadence, other toddlers seem to be operating in slow motion! She resists any kind of restraint: high chair, car seat, crib, bath tub, shopping cart or baby gate and has become quite adept at escaping anything confining. So we try to give her lots of outside play time. Hopefully she will learn to harness her energy constructively and become one of those people who accomplishes a lot without ever seeming to run out of energy! She climbs on tables,

and gets into all sorts of things...today it was pancake syrup...

The neighbor's dog had puppies so we are practicing our social skills with these new "friends"

Daddy taking the little super hero for a flight around the house after bathtime

Trying on my table decorations

but she wears us out!

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