
All our eggs in one basket

Saving egg shells for Easter cupcakes inspired me to continue saving the egg shells that we use each week. I am always on the hunt for an activity that Cadence can do. When we had a whole basket of egg shells, I made a batch of finger paint (1/4c cornstarch + 2c water and boil until thick. Add a few drops of dishwashing liquid and food color) and filled the eggs, gluing tissue paper over the holes.
Cadence had the best time throwing them and stomping on them
And she wasn't the only one who enjoyed it...who doesn't want to throw an egg just for fun?
The only problem now is that she thinks all eggs are meant to be thrown!
The neighbors gathered to peek around the corner and watch us...being the only foreigners pretty much makes us a freak show and they couldn't believe we were wasting so many good eggs. Jody had to explain that these were just the shells, but I know that they must have gone home and told their families how bizarre we are to let our 1 year old crush all those eggs! Secretly, they probably were hoping we would offer them an egg to throw!

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