
A Bird on the fan is worth two in the bush

Last week a bird flew in my bedroom and spent the entire day there, resting, I presume, before I was able to shoo him on his way back outside. I don't know why these things always happen when Jody is not around.
One time, when Jody was gone for the night, a 12 inch long gecko entered my room to spend the night in air conditioning for a change. He hid behind my wardrobe when I tried to catch him but proceeded to make his mating call all night long. Local legend has it that if one of these lizards bites you, it will not let go unless you cut off its head. I didn't sleep well.
More recently, when Jody was away, I saw a monitor lizard (they grow to be 3 feet long) crawling up the rafters in my kitchen, under the eaves and into my attic where it then thrashed around overhead like a dinosaur for days. So I guess the bird wasn't so bad...but I still wish Jody would have been here.

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