
The beauty of Boomyah

One of my favorite things about living here is the natural beauty of this place. After visiting another island this week for Thanksgiving, I am even more in awe of how unique this place is. It is easy to grow complacent where we have been "planted" and take our surroundings for granted. I have been challenged to look at my surroundings through the lens of my camera and am amazed as I notice how incredibly creative the Master Artist is and the care He took in His creation. These are some pictures Jody and I took recently on a walk.


HawkNest said...

I love the purple flowers ALMOST as much as I love seeing your smiling faces! Please know that you're thought of frequently, talked about with Dad daily, and missed greatly!

katherine said...

I thought that these were clip art or something but you took them! They're beautiful. Now for getting back into drawing, eh?