
Jody playing the gamelon

Sunday was Jody's big performance with his gamelon orchestra in our local fellowship. The gamelon is the traditional instrument of the Boomyah people. It is very close to a xylepone, but it is usually played by men in a large group. Occasionally there will be a woman singing verses from the Vedas, the Hindu scriptures, alongside the music. Jody has been studying under a man who composes music and recently came to know the Truth. Because of that, he lost his job as a music professor in a college. Now his full time job is translating the Book into a language his people can understand, along with teaching music lessons. Most of the people in Jody's class are not followers, but on Sunday, the women sang Psalm 150 that had been translated for them to read in their language. The result was beautiful.

And here Jody is alone.

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